Sept. 27-Oct. 1

Overview: Using prior knowledge of Greatest Common Factors and Least Common Multiples, students will model, compare, add, and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators.  Answers should be judged for reasonableness.  Customary and metric rulers will be used to demonstrate knowledge of the use of fractions in measurement.

Focus: Extending their knowledge of greatest common factors and least common multiples, students will generate equivalent forms of fractions.

TEKS: 6.01b, 6.11b, 6.11c


  • Monday: Review over models, GCF, LCM, exponents, prime factorization, and simplifying.  Also, give fraction model quiz, fractions must be reduced on #1-8.
  • Tuesday: Test over the above.  No assignment
  • Wednesday: Equivalent Fractions. Assignment is pg. 185 (10-17, 40-42) and pg. 670 (1-12)
  • Thursday: Converting from Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions.  Assignment is pg. 189 (1-4, 8-15, 36-42)
  • Friday: Converting from Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers.  Assignment is pg. 189 (5-7, 18-25, 34-35).  Also, give Mixed # quiz.

Sept 20-24

Overview: Prior knowledge of multiplication and division skills and classification of numbers will be used to identify factors and multiples of numbers, including Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple.  Prime factorization of numbers will be found and expressed using exponents.

Focus: Using their knowledge of factors, students will be able to identify the greatest common factor of a given set of numbers.

TEKS: 6.01e, 6.11a, 6.11b, 6.11c


  • Monday:Review of GCF and Prime Factorization.  Assignment is GCF and Prime Factorization Review worksheet.  Must show work for each problem.  Also, give overhead quiz from GCF and exponents.
  • Tuesday: Least Common Multiple.  Show by listing out the multiples.  Assignment is Pg. 671 (10-27 but not #22)
  • Wednesday: 1st 6 Weeks Exam.  No homework.
  • Thursday: Modeling Fractions.  Assignment is R5-4, w/o reducing, except on answers that reduce to 1/2.  Also, do fraction hunt.
  • Friday: Simplifying Fractions.  Assignment is Simplest Form worksheet.  Make them show what they divide by on top and bottom.  Also, give 2nd benchmark.

Sept. 13-17

Overview: Prior knowledge of multiplication and division skills and classification of numbers will be used to identify factors and multiples of numbers, including Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple.  Prime factorization of numbers will be found and expressed using exponents.

Focus: The students’ prior knowledge of prime and composite numbers will be used to express a number as the product of its prime factors, using exponents when necessary.

TEKS: 6.01d, 6.01e, 6.11b, 6.11c, 6.11d


  • Monday: Universal Screening. No Assignment.
  • Tuesday: Factors.  Assignment is Factor Towers worsheets A&B.
  • Wednesday: Exponents.  Assignment is pg. 34 (1-6, 10-25, 35-37, 41, 42, 49-57)
  • Thursday: Prime Factorization.  Assignment is Pg. 35 (26-33, 48) and pg. 662 (22-29).  Show using upside-down division.
  • Friday: Greatest Common Factor. Assignment is Pg. 177(3-6) Solve by listing and Pg. 662 (10-24) Solve by using upside-down division.

Sept. 7-10

Overview: Students will use 5th grade knowledge to compare and order decimals in written and numeric form.  Reasonableness skills should be used in problem situations to judge sums, differences, products, and quotients of whole numbers.  With decimals, operations are limited to addition and subtraction.  Through real-life situations, students will classify numbers, including whole numbers, decimals, and integers.

Focus: Using basic operations, students will be able to simplify  number expressions by applying the correct order of operations, incorporating the addition or subtraction of decimals.  Furthermore, through discovery, students will extend the number line to include the set of integers.

TEKS: 6.01c, 6.02e, 6.11b, 6.12b


  • Monday: Labor Day Holiday
  • Tuesday: Modeling Integers.  Assignment is R10-2. Order of Operations Quiz.
  • Wednesday: Decimal Review and Benchmark 1. Assignment is to finish Review.
  • Thursday: Decimal Test. No assignment.
  • Friday: Universal Screening. No assignment.