Nov. 22-23

Overview: Students will model and use percents in real-life situations.  Connect the understanding of the relationships between fractions and decimals and apply that knowledge to percentages and the conversions between these different forms of rational numbers.  Students will use their knowledge of percents to analyze and display data in a circle graph.

Focus: Using prior knowledge of proportions and percents, students will be able to transfer data between tables and circle graphs.

TEKS: 6.03(b), 6.10(c), 6.11(c), 6.12(a)


  • Monday: Converting Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Quiz. No HW assignment.
  • Tuesday: Review
  • Wednesday: Thanksgiving Break
  • Thursday: Thanksgiving Break
  • Friday: Thanksgiving Break

Nov 15-19

Overview: Students will model and use percents in real-life situations.  Connect the understanding of the relationships between fractions and decimals and apply that knowledge to percentages and the conversions between these different forms of rational numbers.  Students will use their knowledge of percents to analyze and display data in a circle graph.

Focus: Students will use their prior knowledge of fractions and decimals to make a connection between the models of fractions, decimals, and percents.

TEKS: 6.03(B), 6.11(C), 6.11(D)


  • Monday: Work on Semester Project. Assignment is to work on project at home.
  • Tuesday: Work on Semester Project. Assignment is to work on project at home.
  • Wednesday: Modeling Percents.  Assignment is R7-6.  Also, notes handout skills review 10-8.  Also give Fractions to Decimals Quiz.
  • Thursday: Project Due for bonus points. Converting Fractions and Decimals to Percents.  Assignment is Pg. 328 (20-33) and pg. 339 (24-33, 50-53)   Give 1/2 sheet notes handout.
  • Friday: Project Due!!Converting Percents to Fractions and Decimals.  Assignment is pg. 328 (12-19, 36, 41) and pg. 339 (14-23, 35-37)

Oct. 18- Oct. 22


Overview:Students will use prior knowledge of equivalent fractions in the introduction of ratios and proportions.  Students will use models and tables to identify proportional relationships in various situations, using 5th grade prior knowledge of basic perimeter and area of geometric figures.  Missing information will be found using proportions.

Focus: Students will use prior knowledge of equivalent fractions in the exploration of ratios and proportions.

TEKS: 6.03(A), 6.03(B), 6.11(A), 6.11(B), 6.12(A), 6.12(B)


  • Monday: Review of fractions and mixed number’s. Assignment is TAKS review packet. Must show work on ALL problems.
  • Tuesday: Ratios.  Assignment is P7-1.  Emphasize writing the ratios in the right order.
  • Wednesday: Simplifying Ratios and Unit Rate.  Assignment is E-8.  Work out unit rate by setting up a fraction and reducing.
  • Thursday: Solving Proportions.  Assignment is P7-3.  No cross multiplying – either use equivalent fractions or reduce and then make equivalent fractions.  Notes Handout.
  • Friday: Proportion Application.  Assignment is Pg. 296 (4-7, 16,28, 42).  No cross multiplying.  Make sure proportions are labeled.